Thursday, March 17, 2022

Be ready when opportunity knocks...

There are all kinds of problems and challenges that confront many people every day – what you do with them is a key part of who and what you become. Not many get the opportunity to develop something like penicillin – but even the most mundane problems and discoveries can have an impact on others. I was lucky to be associated with several firsts:


·      An HR Data Warehouse

·      Computer-based applications

·      Internet-based applicant tracking

·      Paperless HR systems and environments

·      Intranet systems for manager and employee self-service


But Tiny Classroom Training may be my most important creation. As described in yesterday’s message, it allows managers and supervisors to take soft skills training anywhere, anytime – that, by itself, is not all that unique and impactful; it’s the other stuff we built in that enhances the training’s impact. I always felt that a learner’s (that’s what we call the people who take our courses) direct supervisor (we call them Team Leaders) needs to be more involved in this kind of learning process. We provide these Team Leads with a detailed Review Guide to use when engaging with and reinforcing their subordinate’s learning. Complete with questions (and answers) and assignments, this interaction provides the needed oversight and coaching to make sure the Learner gets and utilizes their new skills effectively. This way they are both knowledgeable about and aligned with the course’s learnings and objectives. And through these planned interactions, the Team Leader can measure how well their Learner uses their new skills. Not everyone gets the chance to discover penicillin, but we all can react to the opportunities that life and work presents. Be prepared for your chance today.


Sir Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955): Scottish physician and microbiologist, best known for discovering the world's first broadly effective antibiotic substance, which he named penicillin.

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