Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Live by the Golden Rule...

Whenever I start a new consulting engagement, I usually start by asking for a company’s employee handbook: that’s a good way to check on their values and rules. Most focus on things employees should NOT do… too few articulate what they SHOULD do. Like: attendance policies – I realize it’s hard to determine what’s allowable or not, but most of the policies I see don’t even try. I realize it’s difficult to decide what’s allowable or not, so we opt for unequivocal and non-judgmental policies; but it’s not that simple and nobody wants to get into those kinds of sticky discussions. We should start with core values – like the topics I write about here, and remind employees to apply those to the things they do at work. I’d like to believe that with professionals you could leave it at that.  Managers talking about how t0 comply with the company’s values – like being honest and living the Golden Rule -  are the best ways to convey expectations and standards. Look at your policies and find ways to let reason prevail today.

Jean de la Bruyère (1645 – 1696): French philosopher and moralist, who was noted for his satire

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