Thursday, September 26, 2019

Get better...

Every year around this time I get a chest cold that lingers: this usually comes with the change of seasons and requires a few trips to see a doctor. As we all know, medical care is changing, and more often than not these visits are to an urgent care center: they’re better than emergency rooms and easier to schedule than an appointment with a primary care physician. I used to dread those visits: they were often crowded, chaotic and slow. With this week’s cold I had to go to two different ones in two different states: I wasn’t sure what I’d find. Surprisingly, they were great: their online apps made getting an appointment simple and easy, follow up was done via lots of text messages, and even facilitated a patient survey. At one, I had to go twice, and they not only reused all the original data, but the receptionist and the PA remembered my name without any apparent prompting. Someone in each of those facilities obviously focused all their energy on creating new and effective practices, both online and in-office: it was a surprising change, one that made getting medical help a much better experience than in the past. The moral of this story: focus all of your energy on finding and implementing innovations today.

Socrates (469-399): Classical Grecian Philosopher

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