Thursday, April 13, 2023

Take responsibility...

You might get yesterday’s quote mixed up with today’s – yesterday’s quote was about your responsibility to never quit; today’s clarifies that the responsibility is all yours.


·      Don’t think

·      Others are responsible

·      For your success or failure.

·      Those, my friend, is all yours.


Managers often ask for volunteers for one thing or another – to do so, or not, is your choice. But the choices you make almost always reflect on your character, commitment, engagement, and professionalism. That you might be upset about that is something to also consider when making future choices. If you always let others pick up the pace or carry the ball, they’re going to get ahead. If, however, you want to get ahead too, then consider the role you play in the work you and your colleagues are responsible for accomplishing. There are times for individual efforts and times where everyone needs to pitch in – don’t confuse one for the other, or that the one means you don’t have to also do the other. Whether it’s playing nicely in the sandbox or working collaboratively at your job, be mindful of your responsibilities to yourself and others. Thinking others will always do it, or do it for you, is a sure way to fail today.


Marva Collins (1936 – 2015): American educator who founded the private Westside Preparatory School in the impoverished Garfield Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois.

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