Wednesday, April 12, 2023

There are no shortcuts to success...

Professionalism is the result of hard work and perseverance. No exceptions.


·      Success 

·      Is the result

·      Of many things.

·      Not the least of which

·      Are competence and confidence.


Think about that: to be competent means training, practice, and commitment over a long period of time. And that promotes the confidence to act your part naturally. We often put people into jobs and expect them to have the confidence to be competent, or the competence to be confident – either way, there’s no shortcut to the training, practicing, coaching, mentoring, and reinforcing that professionals need to develop their own competence and confidence. Hoping they’ll get there without that support is unfair to them, their colleagues, and your customers. If you find professionals that lack these qualities, or if you experience a lot of turnover among your professional employees, go back and review the level of training and support they get during their on-boarding. Who’s doing the training, how structured is it, what preparation goes into that training, and how are they certified as being competent. That doesn’t happen on its own. Great success only come from the hard work and perseverance you and your organization put into preparing your team. No excuses. Look at your company’s commitment to training for competence and confidence today.


Kobe Bryant (1978-2020): American professional Basketball Player who spent his entire 20-year career with the NBA’s Los Angeles Lakers.

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