Thursday, October 14, 2021

Role models matter...

Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide others. We often think of a leader as a single person at the top of an organization, department, or team, but many companies utilize leadership qualities wherever and in whomever they are found. In an organizational hierarchy there are levels of leadership – from the top it normally cascades down through the various units or departments. But there are also informal leaders who, by virtue of their knowledge, skills, and personalities, are looked up to by their peers. They’re role models: people who naturally inspire others to imitate their good behavior. These informal leaders are usually positive, calm, and confident; they are great examples of what we’d like all employees to be. And because employees often seek out these go-to people “on the floor” for advice, they become important cogs in the overall leadership of individuals and teams. Companies often have sophisticated processes to identify their leaders; the same should be utilized to identify and recognize role models. And while anybody could be a role model, not everyone has the competence and confidence to succeed in that role. Make it a point to identify, coach, mentor, and support these informal leaders in your organization today.


Selena Quintanilla-PĂ©rez (1971 – 1995): American singer, songwriter, spokesperson, businesswoman, model, actress, and fashion designer

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