Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Help others find their way...

Much has been said about the role coaches play: we certainly understand what they do in the world of sports, but even more should be made about their role in the world of work. In a workshop a few years ago we asked a group of executives when they thought coaching was best used at work: 80% replied “when someone does something wrong”. As in a reaction to poor performance, attendance, or attitude. But then they went on to opine that 80% of their time and energy was spent on the 20% of their employees that give them 100% of their headaches. As in wh0’s paying attention to the 80% who are good or better performers? It’s a common conundrum. Because the best teachers, coaches, and supervisors are those who show people where to look but don’t tell them what to see. They help them discover possibilities and opportunities because, in coaching, it’s all about the person being coached. A good coach or teacher or supervisor is merely a guide on that journey. Think about how coaching is used where you work. Does it focus on helping your good performers find ways to be better or achieve their goals? Make sure you spend enough time with your best employees today.


Alexandra K. Trenfor: The only reference I could find for this author is one that questions whether she even exists. Thus, a strange mystery to go along with an interesting quote

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E mployees in for-profit companies rarely believe in the cause of the organization. The rare exceptions are those like Patagonia, where the ...