Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Behold the great conjunction...

“We can’t heal the world today. But we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, and an act of kindness.” Mary Davis


This week, in the midst of the worst pandemic in a century, Jupiter and Saturn came closer together than they’ve been in centuries. Pictures of both – crowded hospitals and twinkling stars, flashed across our screens, an unlikely combination of sights and events. Like many, I took time to look up at the nighttime skies and see what they’re calling the great conjunction, and it put things in perspective. We’re all struggling with Covid-19 and trying to stay positive and motivated in spite of the realization that we can’t heal the world today. But then, that movement of the stars in the heavens above was an indication that things are still proceeding in a natural fashion. It’s like the good with the bad, the yin and yang, of nature. Looking at those stars, I realized that we each can take responsibility for the two square feet of reality we control – that’s the space around our own two feet. Within that small piece of the universe, we all can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, and act of kindness. At home, at work, and in our communities. That's what we can control and do in our own lives. So, in the spirit of this holiday season, let’s all be compassionate, loving, and kind today.   


Mary Anne Davis (born 1954): Irish social entrepreneur, activist and Chief Executive Officer of Special Olympics International 

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