Monday, December 21, 2020

The sky's the limit...

In order to be successful at any endeavor, you must be both open to what is and curious about what might be. It’s easy to continually do things you’ve always done – that’s a comfortable and safe way forward. But it rarely results in the kinds of changes and improvements that keep you or your company at the ‘head-of-the-pack’. Imagine what the original US astronauts were going through as they stepped farther into the unknown – they had to be really curious about what was out there. People like that have to be all-in, participating in every aspect of their unfamiliar exploits. In our own small way, the team working on the opening of The Mirage had to be more curious than anxious and that’s what kept us moving forward. And everyone living through this pandemic has to be curious about the new vaccines rather than just continuing to live as we have been for the past 11 months. Things like this involve faith in people’s collective ability to learn, to adapt to change, to continue on in spite of disappointments and hardships, and to believe that success is within our grasp. The human spirit for adventure is boundless and curiosity is what fuels it: don’t be afraid to reach for the stars today.


Eugene Cernan (1934 – 2017): American astronaut, naval aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and fighter pilot

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