Monday, December 14, 2020

Gimme some truth...

Honesty is something we each, alone, control. We need to practice it internally to help guide our actions and externally to be credible. Nobody else can do it for you or make up for it if you’re not. It’s the thing people will appreciate and remember about you if you are and think and talk ill of you if you’re not. People may trust and respect you for lots of reasons, but they never will (or should) if you’re willing to deceive yourself or them. These days we’re inundated with too much information, much of which is barely truthful – that’s why fact checking is such a big business; unfortunately (and maybe because of that) most people basically think everyone’s lying. The Bible tells us that “In the street of the blind, the one-eyed man is called the Guiding Light”; in this time of persistent deceptions, those who speak honestly from the heart should be listened to.  And just like the responsibility to be honest, we each are responsible to discover the information we can rely upon. It may take some time and it certainly isn’t quick or easy, but that’s got to be better than being a fool for ignorantly following one.   Find the right people and friends that are honest with you today.


John Lennon (1940 – 1980): English singer, songwriter and peace activist who co-founded the Beatles

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