Tuesday, September 1, 2020

"You better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone"...


I opened up one of my news feeds yesterday and saw: The University of Alabama reports more than 1,200 students have tested positive for COVID-19; India sets record for new cases per day at more than 78,000; total US cases at 6 million as of this morning, with 183,068 deaths. I’m living in a bubble here in the Adirondacks where there’ve been fewer cases than just about anywhere, passionately doing all I can to stay safe and sane and hoping the rest of the world takes the most basic precautions to protect themselves and others.  But then I read this, and it burned a hole in my hope. A lot of people who live in this area year round are skeptical because there’ve been so few cases of the virus here, but they all are wearing masks, just in case.  So, add ‘just in case’ to all the other good reasons to wear a mask, keep your distance, and wash your hands. I don’t know if any of the stories (above) might have been changed had people followed these safety practices, but it makes me wonder. Stay safe and hope for better stories today.


Jesmyn Ward (born 1977): American novelist, associate professor of English, and winner of the 2011 National Book Award for Fiction

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