Thursday, September 17, 2020

Stay in shape...

 Everybody seems to be dieting: the news is filled with information about how to eat right, exercise, and stay healthy during good times and bad.  We should be practicing good habits at all times and they should be the basis of how we get through the days and nights of our lives. This same philosophy applies to how professionals should stay balanced at work: it starts with eating well and exercising regularly, practicing mindfulness, staying focused and positive, being aware of how others are doing, keeping an open mind about the changes that are occurring, and remaining flexible enough to roll with the tides. These are the habits that can keep you fit – in body and mind… and help keep you balanced in times of stress. They’re for the long haul – through all the ups and downs; ignore the fads and stick to the basics so that you can build your life and career as a healthy and balanced professional. And being balanced is the best way to deal with the things that happen every day: you can’t stop them from occurring, but you’ll be better at dealing with them if you have both feet on the ground. Being an effective professional starts with being fit today.


Marika Tiggeman / Mia Zaccardo: Australian Psychologists and Authors

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog i really enjoyed reading your article. Keep going and am looking for more content from you. Thanks.
    health and happy living


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