Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Make the most of the passing seasons...

Yesterday was the fall equinox: the first day of Autumn and the traditional end of Summer. Even with Covid-19, we feel blessed to be healthy and safe at this time of year here in the mountains. There’s definitely a nip in the air and the leaves are changing colors, one of nature’s annual blessings. And, as the days keep rolling by, we count our blessings and look for ways to be a blessing to and for others. We’re a dog-loving group here and most days we see each other walking along the one-lane road that runs the length of one side of our lake, dogs in tow, sniffing and playing with each other. One of the guys lost his dog last year and he’s been walking many of ours as he seeks to continue some canine companionship; he adopted one yesterday from a local rescue agency and we all celebrated his good fortune – a blessing of sorts.  Another of the locals regularly stops her car and passes out treats to the dogs, her way of sharing in these convivial canine festivities… and being a blessing to others. Life is full of challenges, especially in these crazy times, but there are many ways – big and small, to make a difference in someone’s life.  Find a way to be a blessing for others today.


Jerry Smith (1943-1986): American Football Player

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