Friday, September 25, 2020

Play nice...

Teamwork – whether on a sports team, with office colleagues, or from the Three Musketeers, is, at its best, selfless. In the many employee surveys that I’ve conducted, some of the most positive responses are the ones related to whether employees feel their colleagues help out in good times and bad: in other words, they act like a caring team would and should.  This is one of the foundations of good relationships – at work or in life, and it’s often based on alignment between an individual’s personal values and those of the company they work for. A company’s value statements are usually developed by HR and included in their employee handbook: the key to these being relevant is taking them off those pages and bringing them to life in the many different things that occur in that workplace. Like in the what management says and does, their decisions, and the various ways they communicate. Employees are always watching and assessing management’s actions (in good times and maybe more so in these Covid-19 times), and these can reinforce or diminish how and why they work well with others and the resulting amount of teamwork they engage in. Bottom line: a workplace that encourages helping others is one worth working in. Make sure what you say and do creates a company your employees want to work in today.


Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Theoretical Physicist, Philosopher, and Nobel Prize Winner

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