Monday, January 13, 2020

You matter...

A recent study by the University of Manchester on workplace redesign to increase a worker's sense of control and participation at work have resulted in fewer sick days amongst workers in the experimental group. Led by Professor Tarani Chandola, this study seems to suggest a way to mitigate the persistent problem of absenteeism in the workplace.  Interestingly, when asked what managers see as their most pressing problem, they answer “attendance”; those same managers, when asked what they want most in the next person they hire, answer “the commitment to come to work every day”. Combining the study and these problems points to the importance of engaging employees in the things that involve them: whether policy issues or service standards, the key to improving attendance, productivity and performance seemingly centers around the overall level of employee engagement.  Managers should be trained to improve their communication and engagement skills, and companies need to support and promote these.  And, when employees and managers ask whether these really matter, it should be pointed out that while it may seem like a drop in the ocean, that ocean (read: workplace) would be less because of every missing drop. Get your employees involved and engaged today.

Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu (1910 – 1997): Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun and missionary, commonly known as Mother Teresa and Saint Teresa of Calcutta

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