Thursday, January 9, 2020

Get your feet on the ground...

Long ago and far away, my unofficial title at the Golden Nugget was “DADDY”: the thinking was that an HR guy with a title like that could inspire and train the company’s supervisors to emulate some best parenting practices. Since parenting includes nurturing a sense of responsibility in children, I’m thinking Dear Abby’s advice here could also be extended to  managing Millennials, a group many seem to think are particularly difficult to supervise. Maybe companies should put some of the responsibility for figuring out how to get Millennials more committed and involved at work back on their shoulders.  Involve them in discussions about the rules and practices related to the company’s expectations, discuss options that might be considered, and get their agreement on the things that could or should be changed. Employees, like children, want to have a say in how their lives are run and a sense of ownership for the rules they’re asked to live by.  The world is changing, and so is the workplace –it’s a new decade and this might call for new thinking. Start thinking differently if you want to get your employee’s feet on the ground, today.

Pauline Esther Phillips (1918 – 2013): Also known as Abigail Van Buren, American advice columnist and radio show host who wrote the Dear Abby column 

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