Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year...

“20/20 Vision is The Art of Looking Ahead.” Collin Weltzein

2020: a number that Weltzein says “rolls right off your tongue”: it’s a familiar phrase we hear at the eye doctor’s office, as in 20/20, or perfect vision; it’s also the number for this new year: 2020. Vision is how, and how clearly, we see; it’s also the act of seeing out over the horizon, of thinking about the future with hope and imagination. One good way to develop a vision is by reflecting on the past. Each year or experience provides us with a new lens or perspective, and our vision becomes clearer because of it. We all have visions… for our lives, work, family, friendships or community: whatever vision you may have, remember that looking back on your experiences from 2019 will help in making that vision clearer and stronger for 2020. As this new year begins, take a moment to reflect on where you’ve been and, more importantly, on where you’re going. Then make a plan, like you’re selling your brand: back it with your knowledge and experiences, and then stretch it a bit to see how far you might go.  Now, in the spirit of the New Year, consider this for one of your resolutions: Make 2020 a great year by starting with an appropriate vision and plan today.

Collin Weltzien: President of the Wisconsin state FFA officer team

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