Friday, January 17, 2020

The ball is in your court...

My consulting partner and I teach a course on Handling Difficult Conversations: you know, the ones we all want to avoid, if possible. But the truth is, we can’t, and the workplace seems to be rife with times when we need to have them.  You can’t ignore them – that only seems to make the situations worse; and if we handle them poorly, it can lead to greater conflicts. These aren’t going to go away, so it’s best if we learn to handle them effectively. Acknowledge the other person’s point of view, be empathetic, slow down and listen, choose your words carefully and try to give something back: the key is to produce the least pain for you and the person you’re having the difficult conversation with and achieve the desired outcome while keeping relationships intact. Respect the other person, look for win-win opportunities, and create or repair trust: most likely, you’ll still have to deal with the person in the future. If conflict can’t survive without your participation, it can be resolved with your enlightened participation.  Deal effectively with what comes your way today.

Wayne Walter Dyer (1940 – 2015): American self-help author (The Erroneous Zones) and a motivational speaker

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