Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Truthfulness matters...

This sounds like a good motto: for everyone you meet and deal with. If you’re working for someone, getting answers from someone, or reading labels about someone or something: you want to believe you can believe them; but the way things are going these days, that‘s not a sure thing. Kids sometimes chant “liar, liar, pants on fire” when they sense a lie; grownups, it seems, not so much. The thing is, at work, trust and truth are intertwined, and a company’s culture often balances on whether employees believe in the brand and the people behind it. But, forget all that for a moment: you can only control the things you say and do, so it’s important that you personally set a standard of truthfulness and stick to it. When you hire new employees, tell them you’ll never lie to them, and stick to it. And, when you don’t know something, admit it. Sounds simple, but it’s apparently a high bar to maintain. If you want people to trust you then start by being truthful with them today.

Mandy Pijning (b. 1996): Dutch writer and singer

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