Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tell it like it is...

Truth matters: even if it hurts at first, you will always be good with the fact that it was a “truth.” Like in performance reviews: telling the truth every day helps people accept to it in real time. Like in responding to questions: giving straight answers every day fosters robust dialogue about every topic. Like in leadership: having the courage to lead with the truth every day helps keep everyone in on the truth. So, think about what you say or write to others: is it thoughtful, clear, truthful and constructive, or does it leave some feeling left out, and others confused. After a long career I am more convinced than ever of the importance of communications: it’s the difference between effective and ineffective leadership, successful or failed projects, sensible or non-sensical policies and philosophies, understood or confusing messaging, engaged or disengaged employees, and robust or ho-hum cultures. Don’t prevaricate or leave some out, meaning: don’t mis-lead, mis-speak, or mis-represent. If you can’t ‘tell it like it is’, either re-think and re-craft the message… or maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all.  That’s how to make the people around you feel worth it today.

Mishaela is a powerful wizardess and prophet, Darksol's foremost disciple, and the principal antagonist of Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict

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