Friday, November 29, 2019

Suit up...

Get ready: you’re in the middle of the game of life; you may not win them all, but you have to play to have that chance. Don’t let a little rain, or any of the countless other obstacles that life throws at you, slow you down. ‘Stepping up to the plate’ is one of those sport’s metaphors that people use to describe the chances we all have to do something right (or, following that same metaphor, ‘get a hit’). In baseball, they play in the rain; in football they play in any weather: we’ve all experienced hardships, and whether they’re weather related or worse, the things we learn by overcoming them are what make us better and stronger. If you’re playing alone: act with confidence and purpose; if you’re on a team: collaborate with others to leverage everyone’s abilities. Don’t worry if you aren’t as successful as you expected to be: take that stride up ‘to the plate’ and try your best to make it count today.

Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige (1906 – 1982): American professional baseball pitcher who is notable for his longevity in the game and the crowds that came to see him play

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