Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Open your heart to those who open theirs....

I’ve been thinking about last week’s suicides: people who seemingly had everything decided that wasn’t enough to live for. Or maybe the demons they faced were too much to live with. Either way, it’s sad to know they felt left with no other choice. Years ago, my Type-A workaholic personality led to a breakdown and depression, something that caught me completely by surprise. I learned the hard way the importance of being frank with myself, not hiding my problems, and seeking the care that others could provide.  Family, friends, and colleagues understood and appreciated my sharing those problems. Most likely there are people you know who are affected by the pressures and challenges of their lives: be the kind of supervisor or friend who let’s others know it’s ok to open up, be sympathetic and empathetic, and give them the support and time they need to get better. Those are the kinds of things that help people recover from these kinds of problems and make them thankful for what they have every day.

 Audrey Hepburn (1929 –1993): British actress, model, dancer and humanitarian

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