Monday, June 11, 2018

Good sense drives good service....

friend told me he was recently downgraded on a United flight even though he’s a 2 million-mile frequent flyer: they were oversold and, well, someone had to be moved. Isn’t this the same airline that dragged a screaming customer off the plane and then pledged to do better in the future? Seems to me that they’re relying on AI algorithms rather than common sense to deal with the myriad of problems that seem to plague the airline industry. Overbooking is a common practice that’s both non-sensical and obviously leads to problems; if companies can’t get this right they should either get out of the business or change their approach – you don’t hear this kind of stuff from Southwest Airlines.  My friend’s miles didn’t get him the kind of loyalty that their program tries to get from him; absent a personal approach and a genuine apology, he should find another carrier or take a train.  Loyalty is earned day-by-day, every day.  Design your service strategies to make sure you do what it takes to maintain customer loyalty today.

Jeffrey Gitomer (b. 1946): American author, professional speaker, and business trainer

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