Friday, June 8, 2018

Act with integrity....

All too often things go awry during routine service transactions: you get the wrong order at a drive-through fast food restaurant or a clerk says they have no record of something in a computer. Those workers seem to have no idea how to recognize their error or respond appropriately.  When checking into a hotel yesterday I was told they had no record of my reservation: I didn’t have the confirmation number handy and suspected the person at the front desk was going to be less than helpful. To my surprise he went ahead and checked me in without an argument, apologized for any inconvenience, and offered to figure out what, if anything, may have gone wrong.  So often companies provide little or no training on service recovery and leave customers feeling uncomfortable: this fellow showed genuine concern and did a great job discovering what turned out to be their error. He researched the problem, called me with his findings, and said and did all the right things to resolve a potentially bad situation. Teach your employees how to act and do what’s right today.

Aristotle (384–322 BC): Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist

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