Thursday, June 7, 2018

Do what's right - on time, every time....

Integrity is about saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Hagman’s character in Dallas was totally without integrity: he’d say and do anything to get what he wanted.  In real-life you can’t do that: others rely on integrity for their peace of mind, security and well-being. We surround ourselves with policies and procedures and hope they guide and protect us; but it’s integrity and common sense that shape our actions - once you get rid of integrity the rest of the slide away from doing what’s right is a piece of cake. If you’re supposed to do something, do it: once you don’t it gets easier to rationalize avoiding your responsibilities after that. It doesn’t matter if others know or don’t know that you didn’t do what you were supposed to – you’ll know, and that’s enough. Stay true to being a person of integrity by doing what’s right, treating others the way you want to be treated, and living the kind of life that makes you and others proud today.  

Larry Martin Hagman (1931 – 2012): American film and television actor, director and producer who played an unscrupulous oil baron in a 1980s soap opera

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