Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Catch people doing things right....

At a workshop with a group of senior casino executives earlier this year, my consulting partner asked when they thought coaching was most appropriate. The general consensus was when someone does something wrong; he respectfully suggested that it might be better used to recognize and help good employees when they’re doing things right.  This concept is consistent with my own experience that catching employees doing things right is a good way to unleash positive motivation and personal performance. It’s also similar to what’s taught in child psychology: the behaviors you want repeated are those you recognize and celebrate. As a supervisor, when faced with employees who are learning right from wrong, keep them on the right path by continually reinforcing their right actions and choices; and when needed, coach them on how to improve: the practice of focusing on and only documenting bad behavior has long been proven to be less effective. Most employees, and especially millennials, respond best and are loyal to companies and supervisors who practice this positive approach every day.

Epictetus (55 – 135 AD): Greek Stoic philosopher

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