Monday, July 17, 2023

Let your conscience be your guide...

You are who you are. Nobody else is you, and you’re nobody else. Just be you.


We are

   Who we are.

      Don’t try to be

         Somebody you’re not.


I have a recurring dream that when starting something new I first introduce myself as someone new, with a completely made-up background and personality; in some I even use a new name. But in the end, I become exactly who I’ve always been. In real life we are who we are, a composite of all the things we’ve been through and done. There’s no getting away from that. Call it karma or conscience, we can’t erase any of the past – we must learn from it, self-correcting the mistakes and missteps, and continually committing to live every moment of every day with integrity. Doing what’s right even when something else seems or feels better. Looking back, most people have moments they’d like to erase, but in life there are no complete do-overs. Some of those past moments might make us cringe, but all we can do is re-commit to treat others with dignity and respect. Every time. A conscience, like our memory, can be unforgiving. We’re born as an original individual – the challenge in life is to be the best original you can be. Be your best self today.


John Mason (born 1951): National best-selling author, noted speaker, and executive coach. He is the founder and president of Insight International and Insight Publishing Group.

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