Thursday, July 6, 2023

Don't be afraid to try something new...

Anything new can be terrifying. That’s certainly how I saw the challenge of the Mirage.




      New is scary.

         Everyone will tell 

            You so; and they’re right.


Not a lot of people I know will admit they’re terrified of some of the new things they get involved with at work. Well… I will. I signed on early to the Mirage team – there were five of us and I thought the others had way more experience and confidence than me. But I learned that they really didn’t – they just didn’t show their concern. And that’s a valuable lesson. Be honest about what you know and don’t know, be curious about the things you don’t know, keep an open mind when learning new stuff, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Others will help if they think you want to learn but they’ll sense if you’re insincere. I often tell the story about visiting hundreds of companies that had opened anything in the 5 years before the Mirage – we were honest with our questions and the people we met helped us overcome our insecurities and inexperience. To this day we stop and answer questions about anything if people ask. Don’t let your insecurities stop you from asking questions that will help you learn and grow. Don’t be terrified of the unknown today.


Amy Chua (born 1962): American corporate lawyer, legal scholar, and writer – she is also known as “the Tiger Mom”.

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