Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Spend your time doing worthwhile stuff...

Life is all about the living. And living is best spent serving others.



   To others

      Is an important

         Part of living life.


I’m writing this message after a nice Independence Day here in the mountains. The day was spent outdoors, doing stuff with and for our lakeside community. And right in the middle was a boat regatta complete with holiday-themed bunting and flags: half the lake paraded while the others watched and waved dockside. It was arranged by a voluntary Lake Association, the kind found in many communities – one where neighbors serve for the benefit of the hood. We all have opportunities to serve – on boards, in schools, on work projects, and in our communities. While sometimes thankless, they more often provide opportunities to get involved with colleagues and neighbors in fulfilling our desire to serve. They’re part of the framework of life – people helping others in the spirit of camaraderie. It’s a purpose more than a style, and it’s based on the simple premise of being part of something that helps others. That’s how great things are accomplished. Do your part in serving others today


Criss Jami (born 1987): American author, poet, philosopher, creator/designer of Killosopher Apparel, and the musician for the metal project Crymson Gryphon.

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