Monday, January 9, 2023

Start off on the right foot...

It’s the beginning of the year and I would be remiss if I didn’t give my annual encouragement about seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty.


·      Optimism

·      Is the attitude

·      We want in others.

·      Looking to be positive

·      Rather than being negative.


I often write here about hiring people who have a positive attitude; while that’s important, managers must also have positive attitudes to model that behavior for their employees. One complaint I often heard was that managers mostly focus on what employees do wrong rather than catching them when they do things right. I realize it’s easy to walk around acting like McGruff the Crime Dog, but that gets old quickly; employees usually try to do the right thing and leaders should recognize that. And while I understand that managers must address negative behavior or performance, we encouraged them to give out three commendations for every disciplinary or corrective action notice: that sets the employee relations’ tone in the workplace culture. And shows that they’re balanced in their approach to managing. Walk around looking for the good in others today.


Ellen Goodman (born 1941): American journalist, syndicated columnist, speaker, and commentator; she won a Pulitzer Prize in 1980.

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