Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Be passionate about helping others...

NOTE: I somehow forgot to post this on Friday, January27, 2023. First time that's happened. I didn't want January to get by without it, so here it is...better late than never.

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.” Dalai Lama


The prime purpose of every leader should be to help others. Some do, others don’t. Therein lies the story of a company’s culture.


·      Helping others

·      Is a noble activity.

·      Leaders, like parents

·      Each have this in common.


I write here often about emotional intelligence and servant leadership – these are practices that influence a leader’s management style. They represent awareness of and concern for others and putting other’s interests and well-being ahead of their own. These practices are leading reasons why companies that practice them are fully staffed while those that don’t, aren’t. If that seems overly simplistic, ask your employees what they like most or least about their managers: you might be surprised to learn they like, trust, and respect those that care more than they do those that don’t. The best leaders coach and mentor their employees to become better every day; they listen more than they speak and are there when employees need them. Higher recruiting success, higher employee morale, higher productivity, higher customer satisfaction, and higher retention rates are the result of caring about and helping employees.  Being passionate about helping others is both a good idea and a business imperative.  Make it your prime purpose to help others today.


The 14th Dalai Lama (born 1935) is the highest spiritual leader and former head of the country of Tibet.

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