Friday, January 20, 2023

Act with professionalism...

Professional is what you do. Professionalism is what you believe and how your act. Sometimes they’re the same; sometimes they’re not.


·      Professionalism

·      Is all around us.

·      In every walk of life.

·      It’s not what you do…

·      But what you believe and do.


We’ve all worked with professionals – people engaged or qualified in a position. Some are better than others, but they all usually try hard. But that can be a far cry from how they act. We expect professionalism to involve appearance – how people look and act, but that’s only the superficial part. Competence, accountability, and integrity are the more important components of professionalism that separate the good from the not so good. Competency is doing things in the most effective way; accountability is accepting responsibility for your actions; and integrity is doing the right thing – always, even when nobody’s watching. While we’ve all worked with professionals who don’t quite measure up to those criteria; if they’re trying, give them credit and coach or mentor them to be better. But when you’re lucky enough to work with professionals who act with professionalism, watch what they do and try to emulate them, stick by them, and thank them for being what they are. Make sure the professional in you is acting with professionalism today.


Amit Kalantri (born 1988): Indian author.

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