Monday, May 2, 2022

Grow your professional skills...

Being a professional is hard work, requiring skills, knowledge, and dedication. Especially when you get promoted into a professional role.


·      New duties.

·      More knowledge.

·      New reporting lines.

·      Different expectations.

·      Additional responsibilities.


You got the job or the promotion because you were good at what you had been doing, but that doesn’t mean you’ll automatically be effective in that new role. More to learn and practice, coaching and mentoring are probably needed, and all the while people are looking to you for answers and direction. New things are always hard to learn, but the wisdom of what to do with all that new-found knowledge is the hardest to come by. You must combine that knowledge with the experience that comes from trial and error and practice. Getting comfortable with new responsibilities and the nuances of the things you’re dealing with will take time – don’t try to rush it. And getting to the point where you and others trust your instincts will take more time – don’t try to fake it. These points in your career – where you must stretch, are the milestones that you’ll look back on as the times when you grew professionally. Take the time to come by your skills today.


 Lucille Ball (1911 – 1989): American actress, comedian, and producer.

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