Monday, May 9, 2022

Be ever hopeful...

A lot of people are changing jobs these days. Record numbers, in fact. Meaning lots of people are stepping into uncertain times.


·      Starting new is full of uncertainty:

·      New job, people, and circumstances.

·      Uncertain environment and expectations,

·      Can be full of opportunities to be a new you.

·      Don’t be afraid to step out and embrace all that’s new.


I’ve always felt that the first day of something new – like a new job, is full of big opportunities to make good impressions. Both of you. The new employee is hopeful they made the right choice and trying hard to put her/his best foot forward. The new supervisor and company are also hopeful that they too made a good choice, and that the chemistry is right. Both want and are motivated to start off on the right foot (continuing the metaphor), and before the end of that first day both will be faced with the same 3-word question: “How was it?” Remember how you felt on the first day of something and make sure you do what it takes to make the answers to those questions positive. Make good first impressions today.


Bob Goff (born 1959): American Lawyer, Speaker, Author, and Diplomat

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