Friday, February 4, 2022

Grow your company culture...

Millennials make up +-35% of the workforce, but those with 5 years’ experience account for nearly 55% of those leaving jobs during the current spate of job changes known as the Great Resignation. While many leaders may be grinding their teeth over this phenomenon, they’d do well to study the causes of this trend. These include:


·      Toxic culture

·      Job insecurity

·      Poor Covid-19 response

·      Rapid change and innovation

·      Failure to recognize performance


Millennials are moving into their productive years and want job security and fulfilment. Those with around 5 years of experience represent a lot of investment – both by the company and employees, and leaders should be looking for ways to retain them. If your company’s culture isn’t what it should be, start there:


·      Open multiple lines of communication 

·      Listen and learn about what employees are thinking  

·      Plan and implement changes carefully and thoughtfully

·      Make sure your mission, vision, and values reflect their hopes

·      Practice emotional intelligence in your approach to managing


A stable and satisfied workforce is one of the biggest keys to a company’s growth and success. If you’re suffering from this Great Resignation, take some chances and try new strategies with your employees – don’t make them have to take chances with another company. You know them, their strengths and weaknesses, and their needs. You might make some mistakes, but if they know you’re trying, they’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Grow your employees’ confidence and your company today.


Mary Tyler Moore (1936 – 2017): American actress, producer, and social advocate

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