Monday, April 27, 2020

The truth counts...

My consulting partner and I have been posting a series of Lessons in Leadership During Times of Crisis on Facebook Live for the past 6 weeks: a recurring theme of these has been the need to be transparent and truthful. People are fearful and want to know what’s really going on, what they can expect, and how to plan their days and lives. So, we  look to our leaders – whoever and wherever they might be – to find something to rely upon. Everything we hear, see, and read counts. Everything. With all the fake talk about fake news, we’re left to wonder if anything’s real. Well: this virus is real, the impact of social distancing is real, the need to flatten the curve before we rush back out is real, still being safe if and when we can start going back to any of the things we used to do is real, and relying on the science is real. The truth is... all of these things count. Be aware of what you do and say today.

Countee Cullen (1903 – 1946): American poet, novelist, children's writer, and playwright

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