Friday, April 3, 2020

Tell me more...

Boy howdy, have we ever learned this lesson in the past month. Most people I know are pretty knowledgeable about their work: they’ve had years of practice and experience and that’s helped them make a living. But some of the smartest people I know are confounded about this virus and what’s best to do: a little wisdom in this goes a long way. I have friends in Macau who went through this last year: we all read the stories and figured it could never happen here.  And when it started happening here, most of us never thought to ask for their wise advice. Well, I did just that this week and found they’d done some YouTube videos (see the links below) to share their experiences there and tell us what they learned. The lesson here is never mistake knowledge for wisdom; the first is good for making a living, while the second, in this case, can help us save lives. When faced with a vexing problem, find and ask someone who knows about it for their wise advice. That’s a good way to Stay Safe today.

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962): U.S. First Lady, Diplomat, and Human Rights Activist

Please watch: (click on or copy and paste these links into your browser)

Thank you Israel Zavalla and Liz Pat for these very informative videos.

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