Monday, April 20, 2020

Listen and learn...

We know a lot about the flu, allergies, infections and many other ailments: sometimes we think we know it all. That’s why this Covid-19 virus has stumped so many ‘know-it-alls’.  It’s hard to admit you don’t know something, or that you have to learn something new, or, heaven forbid, admit you might have been wrong. Call it stubborn, or being in denial, whatever, it’s hard to learn something new. It’s fascinating these days to hear so many say they’re going to be guided by the science: for people with a good deal of knowledge and gut instincts to stop and be guided by technical experts is a lesson we all should learn from this pandemic. Right about now I’d love to go out, but the science warns against it… so I’ll stay home a bit longer until the science says the time is better. Don’t let what you already know prevent you from learning a potentially life-saving lesson today.

Claude Bernard (July 1813 - 1878): French physician and physiologist often called "one of the greatest of all men of science"

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