Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Say "thank you"...

While many of us are staying home, we’re mindful of all those essential workers who are risking their health and well-being every day. And like the Thunderbird’s flyover I wrote about yesterday, there are a growing number of ways that people are finding to thank and honor them. Coronavirus shut-ins in New York and other major cities have started leaning out their windows to applaud and cheer those working to help and support them. Customers in grocery stores are thanking employees there for all they’re doing.  Neighbors are waving at and thanking the emergency room physicians who drive off to work at all hours of the day and night: to them, that’s their job, but to everyone else they’re heroes. Our hearts go out to all of them: restaurant workers, nurses, Amazon warehouse employees, correction’s officers, nursing home staff, Instacart shoppers, hospital non-medical employees, ride-share drivers, food processing plant workers, landscapers, truck drivers, pharmacists, bank employees, police, public transportation employees, fire fighters, and so many others who are making it possible for all of us to stay home and safe. In these scary times, they’re the people who are helping. Pray for them today.

Fred Rogers (1928-2003): Television Host, Educator, Minister, and Songwriter

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