Friday, December 27, 2019

Shine a little light on...

These holidays are all about lights: our family lights a candle each night of Hanukkah and our neighbors decorate their trees and homes with Christmas lights.  As a kid I used to love the single candles lit in the windows of our neighbors, shining in the twilight: all around were the lights that represented the good wishes and cheer of family and friends. I never thought of it then, but these days the same kind of lights lead the way to good thoughts and relationships.  Back then, I thought all we have to do was enjoy them; now, I think we each have to spread the light either as a candle to light the way for others or as a mirror to absorb and reflect the beautiful light of others. Either, way, we must make sure the light shines. Get up every day with the intent of both being the light for others and reflecting its warmth and glow inward. Do what it takes to spread a little light today.

Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937): American novelist, short story writer, playwright, and designer

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