Monday, December 30, 2019

Here it comes...

Here we are: the last few days of 2019 and of the decade of the 2010s.  Most years, we pause right about now to think of the year nearly passed and the one set to begin. But this one is different: it marks the passing of and to a new decade. I was born in 1950, and always fantasized about the changing of the millennium on my 50th birthday: it seemed then like a far-off point in time… until it came and went.  I also remember vaguely thinking about how life would be in the year 2020… and here it is: it seems like it should be bigger than the day after tomorrow seems, something like stepping through Alice’s looking glass. But it probably won’t be anything like that: life isn’t defined by time, but by where we are and who we’re with. Call it a clan, network, tribe or family: whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one (or all of them) to define what life will be in this new year and decade. Recognize what’s really important to you today.

Jane Temple Howard (1935 - 1996): American journalist, author, and editor

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