Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Behold the beauty...

“When the reality looks extraordinarily unreal, you must know that you are in an extraordinarily beautiful place!” Mehmet Murat İldan

We’re visiting friends and family in New Mexico this week: the ride up from Albuquerque was breathtaking, climbing through the gorge of the Rio Grande. The unique light here paints subtle tones on the landscape and clouds, and last night’s nearly full “Cold” moon lit the streets as we walked around the plaza and back to our Airbnb cottage. The air is thinner and the dramatic natural lighting illuminates the clouds and mountains.  When it looks this extraordinarily unreal, my artist wife reminds me that we are in an extraordinarily beautiful place. Many of the people I know are making plans for this holiday season: some to go away to places like this to spend time with family and friends. This is the time when we begin to reflect on the year that’s coming to an end, the blessings and tribulations we’ve experienced, the health or sickness of ourselves and friends, and our hopes and dreams for the new year. No matter what – in good times and bad – it’s good to be alive. If you haven’t already done so, start thinking about the New Year today.

Mehmet Murat İldan: Turkish playwright and author
Photo by The Taos News

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