Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Launch your thoughts...

When faced with a problem, it’s wise to first imagine a solution.  Look up ‘imagination’ and you’ll find words like vision and inspirationcreativity, and ingenuity.  After the opening of The Mirage I articulated a vision to our HR software vendor about the many ways technology could be used to better manage a large and complex integrated resort: things like how to more efficiently manage tens of thousands of applicants and employees, the actions and paperwork it took to administer them, the volume of information needed to understand what was going on with them, and the mostly manual processes all of that entailed. That inspiredus to seek alternatives to the way we’d always done things. We collaborated with lots of people and generated a lot of creative ideas: it then took a lot of ingenuity (not to mention perseverance) to develop workable solutions. In many ways, imagination is like throwing out ideas and seeing if they’ll fly. I continue to network with lots of professionals and enjoy learning about the things they are imagining: you should do the same. Imagine something cool today.

Lauren Bacall (1924 – 2014): American actress known for her distinctive voice, and  honored for her central place in the Golden Age of motion pictures"

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