Thursday, December 19, 2019

Meet people's needs...

Edison’s ideas led to the lighting of America: from light bulbs to power generation, and from phonographs to films. He understood the business of inventions, from production to distribution, and what it took to be successful and profitable.  It’s not enough to have a good idea: it has to be practical, doable, and financially sound. Expanding on yesterday’s message, the ROI on the systems and applications I envisioned more than paid for themselves: the applicant self-service system we created for the opening of Bellagio saved more money in 6 months than it cost, a key reason I was allowed to embark on that project in the first place. It wasn’t enough that I understood the HR needs, I also had to  learn enough about IT and Finance to make sure my project would meet their standards and produce the necessary return on investment.  Lots of people have good ideas about ways to improve the products, processes or practices related to their work: the key is also understanding the value in using their ideas.  Look to create value in everything you do today.

Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931): American Inventor and Industrialist

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