Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Work at being your best self: there are no shortcuts on the road to integrity...

As a recruiter, I looked for candidates with integrity: it’s a hard trait to spot in an interview, but easily recognized later through performance. In an interview you can ask for specific examples of the kinds of past behavior (like integrity) you want employees to exhibit… but it’s hard to verify their answers. So, I would look for other traits – like optimism, that were easier to discern (and highly sought also). There’s a fairy high correlation between optimism and integrity and we found that when we hired for the first, we often got both.  And they would have tendencies like:


·      They are always honest – even when the truth might hurt 

·      They give credit where it is due – never taking it erroneously

·      They value other people’s time – being punctual and respectful

·      They never take advantage of others – they love to build people up 

·      They do good when they can – they are always helping other people

·      They are responsible, reliable, and accountable – you can trust them


These behaviors are easy to track; people who exhibit them don’t luck into having integrity, they work hard at it. And over time it’s obvious who has it and who doesn’t. People want to work with those who have integrity because they’re trustworthy – you can rely on them because they say what they mean and mean what they say. People are loyal to them and deeply enjoy and appreciate their humble and respectful nature. This is the kind of person you should seek to hire and be around. The kind you should strive to be. Work at having integrity today.

Betty White (1922 – 2021): American actress and comedian, and producer. A pioneer of early television, with a career spanning over eight decades

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