Monday, January 10, 2022

Live your values...

Companies put a lot of effort into their mission, vision, and value statements; they also print colorful handbooks that repeat those values. But the problem, as I see it, is that the words in all those efforts often fail to find their way into the daily thinking of employees. Thus, the real challenge facing employee (and corporate) communications is to not only have the right verbiage, but also to have it reflected in their employees’ work. For example:


·      How often do you as a manager include your company’s values in instructions to employees?

·      How often do you list those values in your job descriptions and postings?

·      How often do you use them in your training and coaching?

·      How often do those values make it into your regular employee evaluations?


Those are just 4 of the many ways your company’s values should be used to reinforce them to employees. How about your orientation program, newsletters that you publish, or topics in your regular staff meetings? The list is limited only by your creativity. If company values are important (and I strongly suggest they are), then weave them into all of your communications. Then and only then will they be reflected in everyone’s thinking and work. Your work should reflect your values today.


Sidney Poitier (1927 – 2022): Bahamian American actor, film director, and ambassador – he was the first black person and first Bahamian to win the Academy Award for Best Actor

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