Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Stay positive...

So much to look forward to, and yet I can’t help thinking I’m looking in the rear-view mirror. New years are supposed to be new beginnings but the surge in pandemic cases is dampening our hopes. I wouldn’t have guessed I’d be writing about Covid in 2022 but here we are faced with Deja vu-like questions and worries. It’s getting better, for sure, but these past 2 years have changed us in so many ways.


·      The more things change the more they seem the same

·      People are questioning things that never were in doubt before

·      These same questions continue to come between family and friends

·      Something like this, with no clear end in sight, is just plain worrisome


But this year, there is hope. The vaccines work, people are not getting as sick or worse as before, and people and businesses continue to find new ways to be innovative and resilient.  And we have reason to hope that the feeling we have that the feeling we have about this pandemic is not permanent. I’m still worried, but now that’s adding to my resolve to keep wearing a mask in public and washing my hands a lot. And I’m not worried like I was last year – this year I’m more confident to make resolutions and plans. Despite this latest surge, let’s all stay positive today.


Mignon McLaughlin (1913 – 1983): American journalist, playwright, and author.


  1. Yes, it is true, some businesses found new innovative ways to move forward. The question that is chasing up in my mind is whether these businesses have found solutions pro or against humanity and have they further harmed the already fragile society?
    If the businesses tent to cover their losses of 2020 and 2021, by any means seems immoral and it is time for the society to reflect and avoid these businesses as much as possible
    The pandemic situation has taught us how to value the things that deserve to be valued, which is a wonderful ‘discovery’ for our entire life.
    Many thanks dear Arte for sharing your experience, wisdom, and knowledge with all of us
    Best wishes
    Vehbi Zeqiri

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It's worth investing in happiness...

L oving what you do makes it easy to want to want to show up every day, do good work, get engaged, be a team player, take pride in what you ...