Friday, January 7, 2022

Show your appreciation...

When I broke into gaming at the Golden Nugget, we had an advertising agency called Toot Your Own Horn. That was contrary to what my mother always taught me about never tooting my own horn. If you’re good, she’d remind me, others will tell you. From that lesson I figured it was important to tell others when they were good; later, in business, we called that catching people doing things right. It proved to be very effective in providing positive reinforcement. And from the looks of today’s quote, John Madden agrees:


·      Madden probably didn’t approve of the on-field showboating that’s so prevalent today

·      A good play on the field, like good performance at work, should speak for itself

·      Appreciative fans, like responsive supervisors, should be the source of that praise and reinforcement

·      And those deserving the focus of those sentiments should humbly respond to the cheers with class


But if nobody tells a good employee (or athlete) how good they are and thanks them for their efforts, we unfairly leave it up to them and others to feel like they must boast for themselves. Don’t make your employees have to do that to get the recognition they need and deserve. Let them know, in demonstrable ways, that you are aware of and appreciate what they do. Let them feel like winners. Give your peeps the praise they deserve today


John Madden (1936 – 2021): American football coach (where he never had a losing season), sports commentator (where he earned 16 Sports Emmy Awards), and the driving force behind Madden NFL (the best-selling football video game franchise of all time)

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