Wednesday, August 8, 2018

You gotta believe....

This may be the first time I’ve used a quote by an organization rather than a person…. probably not much difference, but still, it seems weird. I chose it because the Levo League is a network for and by millennials, a group that is generating much discussion these days. Most non-millennials perceive them, as a group, to be different; but hear this: they’re not. In general, millennials seem to staunchly stick to their ideas, one of which is supporting things they believe in. Consider the six things they look for in the workplace: effective leadership, to be challenged and trained, to work with people they like, to be treated with respect, a flexible environment, and having fun. Frankly, those don’t seem to be that different from what workers have expected for years. In spite of that, these are driving a serious review of corporate products, policies and culture: if that’s slowly reshaping the workplace it’s not altogether a bad thing. And since they, as a group, are quickly becoming the biggest part of today’s workforce, you may want to find creative ways to make your workplace attractive to them today.

The Levo League ( A network for millennials in the workplace. 

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