Thursday, August 16, 2018

Improve the feedback you give....

My consulting partner likes to ask clients “at the end of the year, how will your employees know if they’ve been effective”. This goes to the heart of the work we do and the ways it’s measured: unfortunately, most job descriptions and performance evaluations fail to answer that question. Those two policies tend to explore and explain what to do and how rather than why and to what effect. Changing the focus like this takes work: objectives need to be carefully crafted, outcomes clearly identified and explained, feedback open and honest, and all of this needs to be wrapped in a culture of trust and respect. Sounds obvious and simple, but when you realize that most people hate giving or getting evaluations it becomes clear that changes are needed. Go back and review your job descriptions and the evaluation processes you use and see if they promote integrity and honesty as defined by today’s quote. Start on that goal today.

Spencer Johnson (1938 – 2017): American physician and author, known for the ValueTalesseries of children's books, and for his 1998 motivational book Who Moved My Cheese?

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